The Queensland branch of the Australian Dental Association says it is disappointed Charters Towers, in the state’s north, has decided not to put fluoride in its water.
Councillors yesterday voted against fluoridation, four votes to three.
The association’s Dr Bruce Newman says he hopes the council will not rule it out completely.
“I would certainly ask the people of Charters Towers to contact their councillors about the fact that they have lost the benefit from the fluoridation of the water supply and ask them to revisit the decision at a later date,” he said.
Dr Newman says the dental benefits should outweigh any concerns about how much it would cost.
“For anybody with teeth, it is a wonderful support having the fluoride in the water and unfortunately, particularly for those who aren’t great with their oral hygiene, there will be an increased decay,” he said.
Title of article: Dental group says fluoride snub doesn’t hold water