The City of Spokane’s drinking water has fluoride levels of 0.1 milligrams per liter.
SPOKANE, Wash — Spokane City Council is hosting a virtual community forum Thursday, Aug. 27 to discuss the possibility of adding fluoride to the city’s water.
According to a press release from the city, the moderated session will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will be open for public testimony. Those who want to give comment must sign up online between 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
The forum will be hosted by city council members, the League of Women Voters, Washington State Department of Health Director of Office of Drinking Water Mike Means, Water Treatment Technical Advisor Stephen Baker, Safe Water Spokane and Mead School District substitute teacher Jeff Irish and Spokane Regional Health District and current board member Torney Smith.
The City of Spokane’s drinking water has fluoride levels of 0.1 milligrams per liter. A local student health association is asking city council to increase those levels to the federal recommendation of 0.7 mg/L.
The draft proposal would increase the fluoride levels the federal recommendation. It would also include a free fill up station option for people who prefer the current low levels.
The city water department estimates $6 million in capital costs to make the change. Council President Breean Beggs says health care and insurance organizations would fund the upgrade. The water department estimates up to $600,000 per year in operational costs. This would be paid for by city water customers.
A vote on the proposal could be as early as Aug. 31.