1. Dentists’ Correspondence

Mayor Beaman said the City received a letter from local dentists about fluoride in the water supply. He said City Manager LaForest will get back to us with information. He said it could be very costly to do this.

City Manager LaForest said we have not done the research for this. He said there is concern about handling of fluoride and the amounts. He said if you would like us to explore costs we can take that as a direction from you. He said at one point we were feeding fluoride. He said the wells on the South end had natural amounts of fluoride in them. He said we went to the North wells because of the Arsenic regulations. He said research indicates this was voted on at some point and turned down. He said another Resolution said the City would do what the health department requires and they do not require adding fluoride.

Commission Nobach said cost is one of the factors; it is a good start.

Commissioner Hanover said she assumed we were fluoridating the water. She asked about the vote on it.

City Manager LaForest read part of the article from 1956.

Attorney Salemi said thousands of communities add fluoride to water.

Motion by Commissioner Bates seconded by Commission Hanover that the City Commission have staff look into fluoridating the St Johns water supply.

YEA: Beaman, Hanover, Bates, Nobach

NAY: None

Motion carried.