“Electrochemical Fluorination in Molten Fluoride Salts
CX(s) Applied: B3.6
Date: 02/07/2012
Location(s): South Carolina
Offices(s): Savannah River Operations Office
This EEC covers activities related to development of an electrochemical fluorination process to separate selected metals (non-RCRA) from depleted uranium. The goal of the process is to convert depleted uranium metal (U) to gaseous uranium hexafluoride (UF6) that can be easily separated from solution while other metallic constituents remain as metals or are converted to non-volatile fluoride salts. The electrochemical fluorination process will be conducted in molten fluoride eutectic salts at temperatures above 300°C. The electrochemical fluorination process will be carried out using the fluorinating agents such as NF3, XeF2, and F2. Additional inert gases or vacuum may be used in the system to assist in mass transfer, drying, and sublimation of gaseous deposits. The system will contain cold traps with dry ice and solvents and heat transfer fluids including ethanol and ethylene glycol. The system will also contain chemical traps to remove fluorinating agents and UF6 from the reactor. The system will have redundant mechanical and electronic controls to prevent uncontrolled release of process chemicals.
Dissolution of Uranium and Plutonium Containing Residues from F and H Area
CX(s) Applied: B3.6
Date: 02/12/2010
Location(s): Aiken, South Carolina
Office(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Residues from H and F area that contained enriched Uranium and/or Plutonium are to be processed at HB-Line. Prior to processing these materials, flow sheet development activities will be performed at Savannah River National Laboratory. This work will include dissolution of solids, separation of dissolved species, precipitation of dissolved materials, and calcination of the some of the precipitates.
Dissolution, Valence Adjustment, and Precipitation of Actinides
CX(s) Applied: B3.6
Date: 01/03/2011
Location(s): Aiken, South Carolina
Office(s): Savannah River Operations Office
Residues from hydrogen and fluorine area that contained enriched uranium and/or plutonium are to be processed at HB-Line. Prior to processing these materials, flowsheet development activities will be performed at Savannah River National Laboratory. This work will include dissolution of solids, separation of dissolved species, valence adjustment, precipitation, and calcination of the some of the precipitates.