Full paper online at fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/suvarna-2020.pdf


The present paper aims at determining the status and trends of groundwater quality by applying water quality index method from 22 villages around Cement industries, Yerraguntla Mandal, Y.S.R District, A. P South India. Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated from fourteen physicochemical parameters like pH, EC, TDS, Total hardness, Total alkalinity, Sodium, potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, chloride, Bromide, nitrate, sulphate and fluoride. The computed WQI values range from 123 to 1121 and water quality varies from poor water to water unsuitable for drinking. Most of the groundwater from this place is not suitable for drinking.


Water quality index
Drinking water
Cement industry
Subject area Hydro Chemistry
More specific subject area Water Quality
Type of data Tables and figures
How data was acquired 40 Ground Water Samples were collected in different Bore wells at; Yerraguntla Mandal, Y.S.R District, A. P and analyzed for pH, Electrical; Conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Total Hardness, Total alkalinity; Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Bromide, Sulphate; and Fluoride. WQI was calculated using relative weight method WHO; Water quality Standards.
Data format Raw and analyzed
Experimental Factors Samples of ground water were collected in 2 L bottles and stored in dark room under specified conditions.
Experimental features. To analyze the concentration levels of various physico chemical Parameters using standard methods.
Data source Location Yerraguntla Mandal, Y.S.R Kadapa District
Data accessibility Data is included in this Article
Value of the data

The data presented is used to calculate water quality index which helps in assessment of groundwater around mining areas, as the water contaminated with mine wastes are used by local community for drinking purpose can cause serious health impacts in this area, quality assessment of groundwater helps in taking necessary steps to avoid using contaminated water.

Increased knowledge of water quality enables in understanding hydrochemcial systems, this data will guide in effective planning and mitigation measures in limestone mining areas and aids in sustainable development of groundwater.

Limited published studies on water quality around Yerraguntla limestone mining area, the data will be useful in taking suitable measures for the Government and other policy makers in supplying safe drinking water to the local people in this area.

1. Data

1.1. Study area

Yerraguntla, Kadapa is located between North Latitudes 14°35? 17.2?-N 14°° 44? 38.4? and East Longitudes 78°27?38.4? – 78°34?39.3? (Fig. 1) and it forms part of the Lower Cuddapah super group comprising Papaghni and Chitravati groups. These are mainly argillaceous with subordinate calcareous sediments. Geologically it consists of conglomerate, quartzite, quartzite with shale formation, dolomitic lime stones (Fig. 2). The total annual rainfall is 730.7 mm [12].

Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Study area map.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Geology map of the yerraguntla Area.

1.2. Data

Groundwater sample analysis data is shown in Table 1 and its statistical summary is shown in Table 2, Fig. 3. Relative weight of each parameter is shown in Table 3. Correlation matrix between the physicochemical parameters is shown in Table 4. WQI of ground water at each sampling point is shown in Table 5, Fig. 4. Table 6 deals with classification of drinking water quality. 35% of groundwater samples are unsuitable for drinking and another 35% of samples are very poor water and remaining 30% of samples are of poor category.

Table 1. Data of the groundwater sample analysis.

S.No PH EC ?s/cm TDS mg/L TH mg/L Ca2+ mg/L Mg2+ mg/L TA mg/L K+ mg/L Na+ mg/L Cl? mg/L Br? mg/L NO3?mg/L So42?mg/L F? mg/L
1 7.52 5620 2600 520 80 107 732 75 251 405 0.54 66 586 1.09
2 7.9 4270 2060 580 88 119 486 82 230 430 0.43 68 65 1.3
3 7.51 2700 1350 600 72 128 304 80 128 350 0.33 64 89 1.8
4 8.17 3030 1450 200 32 41 670 0.34 22 430 0.21 60 45 2.3
5 8.2 3380 1700 100 112 3 998 0.25 229 77 0.13 153 86 5.81
6 7.8 4880 2300 320 48 66 1340 0.34 245 70 0.58 130 60 2.82
7 7.2 6200 3130 640 48 144 961 4.53 285 68 0.65 288 216 2.72
8 7.69 7200 3480 920 64 208 606 4.01 235 700 2.06 26 514 1.78
9 7.2 5480 2640 760 96 161 450 4.5 65 720 1.9 25 240 1.94
10 7.9 2420 1160 720 64 159 657 5.53 77 92 0.64 247 189 1.26
11 7.8 1790 860 280 32 60 779 5.6 57 110 0.8 34 120 2.3
12 7.4 5970 2800 860 144 174 987 9.41 170 581 0.9 134 405 1
13 7.6 6170 2970 1000 88 222 756 10.24 140 520 1.2 35 430 1.2
14 7.3 9580 4580 1080 104 237 889 6.75 308 635 2.37 2.2 391 1.06
15 7.6 6820 3280 940 136 195 424 7.6 320 650 2.2 8.2 340 1.3
16 7.3 6280 3020 520 72 109 668 54 310 670 2.4 2.4 320 1.4
17 7.8 2470 1190 200 24 43 666 60 280 690 2.3 5.8 46 0.9
18 8.05 7200 3510 340 40 73 914 71 314 249 0.04 3.09 90 0.69
19 7.7 1380 660 180 48 32 351 65 320 230 1.2 7 70 0.73
20 7.8 4090 1900 320 40 68 608 70 230 260 0.8 8.2 230 1.57
21 7.9 3210 1610 320 24 72 559 56 350 180 0.23 9 220 1.6
22 7.4 6550 3060 300 64 57 865.2 5.80 347 300 0.34 10 295 1.6
23 7.6 3560 1720 460 56 98 548 8.6 430 150 0.42 10.2 120 0.99
24 7.6 2900 1400 360 104 62 463 1.69 60 95 0.15 16.6 131 1.11
25 7.6 3150 1520 280 48 56 560 2.4 68 130 0.23 12.4 110 0.9
26 7.67 2720 1310 200 64 33 572 6.8 65 120 0.45 8.4 120 1.31
27 7.3 4070 1970 340 88 61 633 6.19 175 116 0.69 9.2 143 1.53
28 8 1730 830 220 32 46 450 7.8 134 120 0.7 10.4 430 0.66
29 7.66 15800 7700 1600 344 305 608 85 546 479 0.89 28.1 516 0.99
30 7.1 12800 6070 960 200 185 767 90 560 340 1.2 34 450 0.49
31 8.12 2490 1070 240 64 43 352 3.86 66 664 2.95 103 416 3.17
32 8.17 2340 1130 200 48 37 487 2.88 88 1049 4.34 533 361 1.1
33 7.96 1910 920 220 64 38 303 8.3 89 1300 3.2 23 230 0.9
34 8.1 6620 3150 500 112 94 499 8.9 340 1200 0.11 36 240 0.78
35 8.03 9320 4550 640 120 126 597 2.59 433 1776 3.63 751 1280 1.08
36 7.79 6300 3060 380 136 59 694 10.9 258 737 2.11 101 1252 0.6
37 7.63 4010 1940 540 80 112 609 12.4 220 540 1.82 56 1100 1.7
38 7.37 5240 2520 480 24 111 695 16 210 560 1.76 54 1230 1.8
39 7.31 5440 2630 640 96 132 687 15.8 230 580 1.65 58 890 2.9
40 8.31 2280 1110 240 224 3.8 292 16.8 21 620 1.45 62 900 0.8

Table 2. Statistical parameters of Vemula region.

Parameter Mean Median Maximum Minimum Standard Deviation
PH 7.7 7.68 8.31 7.1 0.314777496
EC 4984 4180 15800 1380 3012.272238
TDS 2398 2015 7700 660 1454.660922
TH 505 420 1600 100 317.6758548
Calcium 85.6 68 344 24 61.25391
Magnesium 102 83.59 305 2.916 68.62743
Potassium 24.6 8.45 90 0.257 30.2840884
Sodium 227.5 230 560 22.32 132.1742089
Chloride 475 430 1776 68.02 374.7269255
Bromide 1.25 0.845 4.34 0.04 1.063643954
Nitrate 82 34.21 751.15 2.29 146.6325879
Sulphate 374 240 1280.65 45.2 350.4179124
Total alkalinity 637 608.8 1340.4 292.4 218.3857411
Fluoride 1.52 1.28 5.81 0.49 0.962059623

*Note: All parameters are expressed in mg/L, except pH, EC in ?s/cm.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Statistical parameters study area.

Table 3. Relative Weight per parameter.

Parameter Weight(wi) Relative weight(Wi) Si Ci Qi SIi WQI
PH 3 0.06122449 8 7.52 94 5.755102 303.91
EC 4 0.081632653 1500 5620 374.6667 30.58503
TDS 2 0.040816327 600 2600 433.3333 17.68707
TH 2 0.040816327 500 520 104 4.244898
Calcium 3 0.06122449 75 80 106.6667 6.530612
Magnesium 3 0.06122449 50 106.92 213.84 13.09224
Potassium 3 0.06122449 12 75.004 625.0333 38.26735
Sodium 3 0.06122449 200 251.108 125.554 7.68698
Chloride 3 0.06122449 200 405.01 202.505 12.39827
Bromide 4 0.081632653 0.5 0.54 108 8.816327
Nitrate 5 0.102040816 10 66.4 664 67.7551
Sulphate 5 0.102040816 250 586.21 234.484 23.92694
Total alkalinity 4 0.081632653 100 732 732 59.7551
Fluoride 5 0.102040816 1.5 1.09 72.66667 7.414966
49 1 303.916

*Note: All parameters are expressed in mg/L, except pH, EC in ?s/cm.

Table 4. Correlation matrix between the physicochemical parameters.

PH EC ?s/cm TDS mg/L TH mg/L Ca2+ mg/L Mg2+ mg/L K+ mg/L Na+ mg/L Cl?mg/L Br?mg/L NO3?mg/L SO42? mg/L TA mg/L F ?mg/L
PH 1
EC ?s/cm ?0.39127 1
TDS mg/L ?0.38705 0.999341 1
TH mg/L ?0.47645 0.802933 0.804505 1
Ca2+ mg/L ?0.07992 0.672195 0.674024 0.626805 1
Mg2+ mg/L ?0.51515 0.756221 0.757709 0.986119 0.489106 1
K+ mg/L ?0.13046 0.296898 0.295262 0.209841 0.215173 0.187612 1
Na+ mg/L ?0.22094 0.723417 0.725512 0.446068 0.469563 0.399937 0.476414 1
Cl?mg/L 0.218805 0.238149 0.236355 0.163815 0.200567 0.138453 ?0.126 0.136275 1
Br?mg/L 0.068581 0.077777 0.075367 0.090106 0.05091 0.088018 ?0.19317 ?0.00583 0.747906 1
NO3?mg/L 0.272861 0.074239 0.083098 ?0.00698 0.021632 ?0.01149 ?0.25155 0.038429 0.483659 0.474554 1
SO42? mg/L ?0.05054 0.30967 0.310233 0.224698 0.313957 0.18286 ?0.13248 0.222757 0.492627 0.466541 0.333836 1
TA mg/L ?0.24024 0.320557 0.318417 0.118878 ?0.07167 0.152869 ?0.11448 0.207517 ?0.30651 ?0.26539 0.08316 ?0.06074 1
F mg/L 0.100667 ?0.18285 ?0.17674 ?0.2051 ?0.16442 ?0.18534 ?0.29252 ?0.21773 ?0.24465 ?0.11973 0.095508 ?0.13173 0.354216 1

Table 5. WQI of ground water at each point of sampling.

sample No WQI Water quality status sample No WQI Water quality status sample No WQI Water quality status
1 303.91 Water Un Suitable For Drinking 2 259.7 Very Poor Water 4 193.12 Poor Water
5 338.63 3 223.34 11 173.93
6 346.06 8 280.75 19 140.31
7 510.92 9 229.89 20 197.44
10 397.89 13 270.42 21 171.11
12 380.08 15 243.15 23 153.05
14 304.32 16 260.19 24 125.96
29 418.27 17 202.72 25 126.48
30 375.62 18 224.72 26 126.12
32 749.6 22 208.86 27 159.3
35 1121.34 31 284.4 28 123.86
36 368.04 34 234.5 33 197.17
38 305.7 37 288.37
39 313.01 40 234.01
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. Cone Chart of WQI at each sample location.

Table 6. Drinking water quality classification.

Class WQI Water Quality Status % of samples
I <50 Excellent Nil
II 51–100 Good Nil
III 101–200 Poor Water 30%
IV 201–300 Very Poor Water 35%
V >300 Water Un Suitable For Drinking 35%

2. Experimental design, methods and materials

2.1. Materials and methods

Forty groundwater Samples from bore/hand pumps were collected in 2 L polythene water bottles from 22 different villages of Yerraguntla Mandal during September 2018 and necessary precautions were taken to avoid contamination [1]. Samples were analyzed as per standard procedures APHA [1]. Each of the groundwater samples was analyzed for 14 parameters pH and EC are determined by pH meter, conductivity meter, TDS are determined by indirect method Total Hardness, Ca2+, Mg2+, CO32?,HCO3? and Cl? are determined by titrimetry,

is determined by using ion selective electrode (Orion 4 star ion meter, Model: pH/ISE). (Table 1). The analyzed data were compared to the WHO recommended standards [2] and water classification or drinking purpose has been made.

2.2. Analytical procedures

WQI was calculated using the World Health Organization standards [2] and Indian Standards [3] in the following steps. Water quality index method for groundwater quality assessment is widely used around the world for assessment & management of groundwater [[4], [5], [6], [7]]. The WQI calculation was carried out using a weighted arithmetic index as shown below [8].

The WQI calculations include three successive steps [[9], [10], [11]] The first step is “assigning weight” each of the 14 parameters has been assigned a weight (wi) according to its relative importance in the overall quality of drinking water as shown in Table 2. The second step is the “relative weight calculation” calcul1ated by following equation

The third step is “quality rating (qi)” calculated by following equation

where Ci is the concentration of each parameter in each water sample, Si is the WHO standard value for each parameter. Finally, the Wi and qi are used to calculate the SIi for each parameters and then the WQI calculated from the following equation:

where SIi is the sub index of each parameter.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

The following is the Supplementary data to this article:

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Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
