Fluoride Action Network

Development of China’s Public Health as an Essential Element of Human Rights

Source: XinhuaNet | October 2nd, 2017 | Editor: Huaxia
Location: China

Note from FAN: Excerpts pertaining to oral health

• Comprehensive oral disease intervention had provided free oral examination to 100 million children. A total of 5.168 million children received free dental sealants treatment and 2.229 million children received free local fluoride varnish treatment.

• In the counties that suffered from endemic fluorosis caused by coal burning, 98.4 percent of coal stoves have been transformed, and in the areas suffering from drinking water-caused endemic fluorosis, 93.6 percent of the rural population now have access to de-fluoridated drinking water. Areas suffering from arsenic poisoning through coal burning have had their stoves transformed, and all people in water-related arsenic poisoning areas now have access to safe drinking water.

*Article titled, Full Text: Development of China’s Public Health as an Essential Element of Human Rights (6), is online at http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-09/29/c_136648792.htm

See these other articles on China from FAN’s NewsTracker:

Nov 6, 2009, Fluorosis prevention starts in southwest China kitchenJuly

March 29, 2011, $2.14 billion project underway to relocate 392,000 people due to fluoride-contaminated water

*December 4, 2011, Hebei Province: 3.48 million rural residents get access to safe drinking water

*January 30, 2012, China to eliminate endemic diseases in 5 yrs

*December 31, 2012, $4.5 billion spent in 2012 for safer drinking water

*July 1, 2013, Call for Transparency Over China’s Water Quality

* July 4, 2013, China gears up to tackle tainted water