
Redevelopment will be a major focus for the year ahead, according to Mayor David Stahl.

As part of his State of the Township address at the Feb. 2 Township Council meeting, Stahl cited the redevelopment process as one of the goals that have been “ramped up” for the year ahead…

Proposals will be presented to the Township Council on the management program for existing water tanks to ensure a reliable plan to maintain those structures in the future, Stahl said.

“We will explore the viability of building a new water tank, west of the turnpike, to provide a better service to that area,” he said. He said the township is going to begin replacing water lines in the Lawrence Brook area, as well as stop using fluoride in the water system.

“I’ve read much data on the pros and cons of putting fluoride in our water system,” Stahl said. “When fluoride was first introduced, it was not easy for individuals to receive fluoride in any other way.

“Today, there are many other options and, in addition, so many people are choosing to drink from bottled water. I just believe it’s the time to end this, and this is something that will be done very shortly.” …

Title of article: Redevelopment a focus for East Brunswick mayor