Fluoride Risk Assessment and Relative Source Contribution
Fact sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 29K)
EPA has completed and peer-reviewed a quantitative dose-response assessment based on the available data for severe dental fluorosis as recommended by National Research Council (NRC). Additional research will be necessary to obtain dose-response data amenable to a quantitative risk assessment for Stage II skeletal fluorosis and/or skeletal fractures. The dose-response assessment provides a reference dose based on the critical health effect of pitting of the enamel in severe dental fluorosis.
- Fluoride: Dose-Response Analysis For Non-cancer Effects (PDF) (160 pp, 1.5MB; 820-R-10-019)
- Fluoride-Related Skeletal Effects: Evaluations of Key Studies (PDF) (72 pp, 2MB; 820-R-10-017)
- Dental Fluorosis: Evaluations of Key Studies (PDF) (283 pp, 8.3MB; 820-R-10-018)
- Comment-response Summary Report for the Peer Review of the Fluoride: Dose-Response Aanlysis for Non-Cancer Effects Document (PDF) (107 pp, 713K; 820-R-10-016)
EPA has also completed and peer-reviewed a document on environmental exposure of children and adults to fluoride and the relative source contribution (RSC) for water. The RSC is needed in order to derive the Maximum Contaminate Level Goal (MCLG) from the dose-response assessment.
- Fluoride: Exposure and Relative Source Contribution Analysis (PDF) (210 pp, 15MB; 820-R-10-015)
- Comment-Response Summary Report for the Peer Review of the Fluoride: Exposure and relative Source Contribution Analysis Document (PDF) (113 pp, 807K; 820-R-10-014)
Other information or activities related to fluoride
- Basic information about the existing regulations for fluoride can be found at: http://water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/basicinformation/fluoride.cfm
- Information about “Six-Year Reviews” of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/regulatingcontaminants/sixyearreview/
- Information on CDC’s community water fluoridation program can be found at: http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/index.htm
Please email comments regarding the documents Fluoride: Dose-Response Analysis For Non-cancer Effects, and Fluoride: Exposure and Relative Source Contribution Analysis to EPA at: FluorideScience@epa.gov.