Abstract: Fluoride is an important element for humans. It inhibits initiation and progression of dental caries and stimulates bone formation. However, excessive intake may lead to the appearance of dental and/or skeletal fluorosis and a decrease in intellectual coefficient in child populations. This study evaluates exposure to fluoride in the child population of Chaco province (Argentina) by analysis of drinking water, food and its bioaccessible fraction (quantity of fluoride solubilised by gastrointestinal digestion and available for intestinal absorption) and urine as a biomarker of internal dose. The concentration of fluoride in drinking water varied between 0.050 and 4.6 mg L?1, and 80% of the samples exceeded the WHO drinking-water guideline value (1.5 mg L?1). Fluoride concentrations in food ranged between 0.80 and 3.0 mg kg?1 fresh weight (fw), being lower in bioaccessible fraction (0.43–1.9 mg kg?1, fw). On the basis of the consumption data declared for the young child population, fluoride intake varies between 4.1 and 6.5 mg day?1, greater than the level recommended for this age group. Moreover, in some cases, concentrations of fluoride found in urine (0.62–8.9 mg L?1) exceeded those reported in areas with declared fluorosis. All data obtained show the worrying situation of child population in this area of Argentina.

Keywords: Fluoride, Child population, Drinking water, Food, Urine

Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues


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