
Schuyler Center’s First Look is an initial assessment of New York State’s 2018-19 proposed Executive Budget and how it advances priorities that improve the health and well-being of all New Yorkers, especially those living in poverty. Schyler Center staff will spend the coming days gaining a deeper understanding of the Executive Budget…

We are pleased the Executive Budget proposes bedgetary support for the development of the recommendations of the State’s trailblazing First 1,000 Days of Medicaid Initiative…

Community Water Fluoridation Fund

What’s in the Executive Budget

The Executive Budget proposes to re-appropriate funding approved in the previous two budgets for installation or upgrading of water fluoridation equipment. This funding expands the program begun last year to strengthen the fluoridation infrastructure in New York.


Schuyler Center leads a statewide Oral Health Leadership Team which recommended this proposal. Community water fluoridation is the single most cost-effective way to improve oral health, especially for children in poverty.

*Report titled Schuyler Center’s First Look at the NYS 2018-2019 Executive Budget as It Intersects with Our Policy Priorities, online at http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/schuyler-center.nys-budget.january-2018.pdf