On January 14th, the Dallas City Council heard several dentists oppose the purchase of the fluoridating chemical hydrofluorosilicic acid. Fluoridation Status Quo is being challenged in Dallas.

Regina Imburgia states,”Dallas Councilman Sheffie Kadane continues to repeat the basic truth about the water fluoridation issue in Dallas by stating, “We have enough fluoride in the raw untreated water and we can save a million dollars for the city by voting no to the purchase of this chemical”.

Sheffie states his concerns saying, ”This fluoride is not even pharmaceutical grade; it is a toxic by-product of industry”. On December 10, 2014 the vote was postponed to January 28, 2015, Sheffie explained why he wanted to postpone the vote to renew the contract to purchase the hydrofluorosilicic acid by saying, “It would give me more time to discuss with the entire council one on one”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqgEwgfaDE&feature=youtu.be

Regina explains, “I visited the Park Cities Municipal water treatment plant that serves the very affluent section of the Dallas area. The plant supervisor told us they have never fluoridated the water. Their water serves 32,000 people including Dr Daniel Strader DDS. Dr Strader wrote the Dallas City Council and I read his letter to the Council on Dec 14th. Dr Strader’s letter is attached to this press release, he clearly opposes fluoridation.”

Regina says, “Several doctors stated their concerns during the open microphone section of the Dallas City Council Meeting, January 14, 2014. Dr. Joan Sefcik DDS gave her reasons why she believes Dallas should stop adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to the Dallas water. Dr Sefcik is the President of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine and she has been a dentist for 30 years. Dr Neil Carman spoke about his concerns, given the fact hydrofluorosilicic acid has not been proven safe. Dr Carman has a PhD in the biological sciences emphasizing biochemistry and chemistry and molecular biology. Dr Carmen said hydrofluorosilicic acid has never been subjected to adequate safety testing. He gave a strong appeal to the Dallas City Council to stop this harmful practice”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3hzSWrgmB4&feature=youtu.be

Regina says, “Many more doctors and scientists were looking forward to giving their testimony before the council at the next City Council Meeting but we were informed the Mayor canceled the meeting that was on the City Calendar for January 21st. The alternative now will be to send the testimonies to the City Council via the City Secretary, like Dr James S. Beck, MD, PhD already has done. Dr Beck was born in Dallas in his letter is says “Fluoridation of public water supplies has been for the most part a well-intentioned mistake. Its justification would be that it is ethical, safe and effective in prevention of cavities. It is now clear that it is none of these.” Dr Beck’s letter is attached to this press release. His and many other testimonies can be seen by going our web-site http://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com”.

Regina says, “The Media has been silent about the upcoming vote and the serious concerns about the neurotoxin that is being added to the Dallas water. I have pleaded with the reporters to stay and cover our presentations to the Council, but I have been told, they have been instructed not to stay. The people need to hear about how dangerous this chemical is and how unnecessary it is to be adding it to our water that already has .5ppm and (many days even higher amounts) in the raw untreated water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vCgB_PGbTE#t=58

This is a practice that has been going on for 50 years. It is hard to change status quo, but by presenting science and being persistent we have opened the eyes of many of the council-members. Councilman Adam Medrano only days ago stated he is “standing with Sheffie”. Councilman Medrano said to me “I have been listening”.

Regina says, “Many, many people in Dallas do not know about the vote on January 28th and the serious concerns about Fluoridation. The facts and science show the risks far outweigh the supposed benefits. I believe many wanted this vote to go under the radar. We need to try to bring more attention to it and put more pressure on the Media to report about this Council vote. We will be standing outside Channel 8/WFAA studios 2500 Victory Ave (Olive St), Dallas, TX 75219 Thursday January 22 at 3pm with signs saying “Report the News about Fluoridation” and we invite others to join us. Details can be found on our web-site along with our email and phone number. I believe many like Adam Medrano have been listening, and like him they are on the council to serve the community. They will realize doing the right thing, would have to mean voting no on January 28th”.
