On January 25, 1945, sodium fluoride was slowly poured into Grand Rapids, Michigan’s public water supply to prove that fluoridation reduces children’s tooth decay. Five years into the experiment, things weren’t going as expected.
Cavities declined equally in the non-fluoridated control city of Muskegon, too. So to blur the truth or prove their expectation, Muskegon was fluoridated also. Children’s teeth were checked but not adults or other body parts.
Sixty-four years later, research exposes fluoride’s undesirable health effects to human organs and systems that weren’t considered in the 1940’s. Many fluoridation-supporting organizations are now covering their legal aspects.
The American Dental Association admits in its Fluoridation Facts booklet “decreased fluoride removal may occur among persons with severely impaired kidney function who may not be on kidney dialysis.”
The National Kidney Foundation withdrew its fluoridation support after a lawyer contacted them about their legal responsibility to tell the truth. They now advise that individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease be notified of fluoride’s danger to them.
The kidney-impaired retain more fluoride and risk skeletal fluorosis (an arthritic-type bone disease), fractures and severe enamel fluorosis, which may increase the risk of dental decay, reported the U.S. National Research Council in 2006.
The Centers for Disease Control concedes that fluoride’s beneficial effects are topical and not systemic, meaning there’s really no good reason to swallow fluoride. Swallowing fluoride creates dental fluorosis – white spotted, yellow, brown and/or stained teeth – now afflicting up to 48% of school children, up to 4% moderate/severe, according to the CDC
The CDC’s 2001 fluoride recommendations says, “The laboratory and epidemiologic research that has led to the better understanding of how fluoride prevents dental caries indicates that fluoride’s predominant effect is posteruptive and topical … Fluoride works primarily after teeth have erupted,…”
As of 2006, both the ADA and the CDC advise that fluoridated water not be mixed into concentrated infant formula because it unnecessarily puts babies at high risk of developing dental fluorosis.
So what’s happening today?
Grand Rapids children are showing high rates of tooth decay and dental fluorosis.
According to the Grand Rapids Press, one pediatric dentist said in 2007 “…we see children under the age of 2 with active decay…Rather than just a few cavities, we’re seeing a lot of cavities. It’s not unusual to see a child with 8 to 10 cavities.”
Detroit Michigan is also fluoridated.
A study shows that, although fluoridated tap water is the most consumed item, 83% of low-income Detroit African-American adults, 14-years-old and over, have severe tooth decay. Almost all Detroit’s African-American 5-year-olds have cavities, most of them go unfilled.
In fact, there are cavity crises in all fluoridated cities and states (See: http://www.FluorideNews.blogspot.com ) because 80% of dentists refuse Medicaid patients and over 108 million Americans lack dental insurance.
Our food supply has become fluoride-polluted. The USDA had to create a database of fluoride content of some foods to help Americans tally their daily fluoride intake.
Stopping fluoridated water from flowing into our food supply by ending water fluoridation seems like a better idea, to me.
Grand Rapids fluoridation Study – Results Pertaining to the Eleventh Year of Fluoridation, by Francis A Arnold. American Journal of Public Health, May 1957.
“In making comparisons on these data it should be remembered that Muskegon started fluoridation in July 1951”
Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials [Chapters 19, 20 and 21. Philip Sutton. Originally published in 1960].
“Some babies get too much fluoride,” The Grand Rapids Press, by Morgan Jarema October 09, 2007 http://www2.www.fluoridealert.org/Alert/United-States/Michigan/Some-babies-get-too-much-fluoride
“Protecting kids’ teeth includes trips to the dentist,” The Grand Rapids Press, by Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood, June 19, 2007
“Dietary Patterns Related to Caries in a Low-Income Adult Population, Burt, et al., Caries Research 2006:40:473-480
“Severity of Dental Caries among African American Children in Detroit,” by Ismail et al, Abstract presented at the March 2006 International Association of Dental Research Annual Meerting
2006 “Burden of Oral Disease in Michigan,” Michigan Department of Community Health http://www.mdhatoday.org/pdf/oralhealth2006.pdf
USDA fluoride database