Cambridge’s water will still be required to be fluoridated while Waip? District Council continues to stay out of the decision making process.

The confirmation comes from the Director-General of Health that its original directive stands, as benefits of fluoridation outweighs the rights of individuals to refuse medical treatment.

In July 2022, the Ministry of Health Manat? Hauora instructed 14 local authorities, including Waip? District Council, to add fluoride to their water supplies.

Waip? was specifically directed to fluoridate the Cambridge supply but was not required to do so for other water supplies in the district.

The new Director-General of Health, Dr Diana Sarfati, recently reassessed the original directive under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, which provides people a right to refuse medical treatment.

The Ministry of Health said it had examined the latest scientific evidence on community water fluoridation and based on this assessment, Sarfati has now advised the council that the original directive will stand.

Sarfati said the benefits outweigh rights of individuals to refuse medical treatment due to the high prevalence and potential for lifelong impacts of poor oral health. Scientific evidence showed water fluoridation within the optimum range is safe, has no significant health risks and protects against dental caries, the Ministry said.

There was also proven effectiveness of community water fluoridation as a public health measure, it said.

Group Manager Service Delivery Dawn Inglis said the council is working to finalise the design and costings for the fluoridation of the Cambridge water supply.

“Council had no role in making this decision – the Ministry of Health is responsible for all decisions about water fluoridation in New Zealand,” she said.

“While the Ministry of Health will fund the installation of the plant required, there may be a slight increase in water rates to cover the ongoing costs.

“The work to install the fluoridation equipment will take around nine months, and we will let Cambridge residents know in advance of the specific dates before the fluoride is added to the water.”

Under the Health Act 1956, Waip? District Council is legally required to comply with this directive. Failing to do so is an offence that carries significant penalties.

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