A recent announcement has had local children and parents smiling.
Macedon Ranges preschool children will receive free fluoride varnish to prevent tooth decay as part of a new state government program.
Macedon Ranges towns are non-fluoridated – meaning the protective chemical fluoride is not present in the water supply.
The varnish has proven to be highly effective in stopping tooth decay among at-risk children and preventing oral disease in the future.
Health minister Jill Hennessy said the program would encourage healthier mouths and good oral health.
“Providing fluoride varnish to our Macedon kids will improve their oral health in the long term by preventing tooth decay early,” she said.
The $100,000 state government program will deliver fluoride varnish applications and oral health promotion with tooth packs to preschool children at their local early childhood services.
*Original article online at http://www.starweekly.com.au/news/fluoride-funding-for-macedon-ranges-preschool-kids/