
[Dentist, Dr. Marlene Feisthamel] is concerned about what removing fluoride from the city’s water can mean for the health of teeth.

… “It’s safe at seven points per million, is absolutely safe. If you imagine one million pennies, and it’s less than one penny that goes in the water so it’s a very small amount,” says Feisthamel.

… There will be a public meeting on June 20th where the issue whether to keep the fluoride in the drinking water will be discussed by the water district board followed by a final decision.

You can find out which Missouri communities add fluoride to their water by clicking http://www.health.mo.gov/living/families/oralhealth/waterfluoridation.php

• Original article online at http://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/fluoride-in-battlefield-water-could-be-removed/683352547   article online at