Town Meeting will be held Monday (April 1) at the Manchester Memorial Elementary School, 43 Lincoln St., from 7 to 9 p.m.
MANCHESTER — At Town Meeting on Monday, registered voters will weigh in on whether they want industrial sodium fluoride added to the public water supply.
The community group Manchester Residents for Removing Sodium Fluoride from Public Water Supply petitioned to have Article 18 placed on the meeting’s warrant. It asks the non-binding question: “Do you want industrial sodium fluoride added to the public water supply?” The group hosted a public meeting last week at the Manchester Community Center to explain why its members want the article to pass.
… Selectmen said they will hold off on their opinion of Article 18 until it is presented at Town Meeting on Monday, April 1.
*Read full article at https://www.gloucestertimes.com/news/local_news/fluoride-in-public-water-up-for-debate-at-manchester-town/article_17aed413-f41e-5cd0-bd2f-ebf8de3d624d.html