Dear All,

Michael Connett received a heart rending appeal today from a group in India which is working on behalf of the people of Nalgonda District in India who are being poisoned with water naturally high in fluoride. They are being poisoned both by the fluoride and by political neglect. As they say in their appeal for help, for four generations they have been promised help by politicians – at election time- but after each election they return to their fate – drinking fluoride poisoned water. Now they are crying out to the rest of the world for help. After you have read their letter I am sure you will want to sign their online petiton. Please get your friends to do the same. It would be a wonderful addition to your July 4 celebrations.

Here’s how we can help:

1) is the webpage where people can go to sign the petition

2) is the webpage of the group (Freedom from Fluoride in Nalgonda) which wrote the petition.

3) is the page on the FAN website where people can go to learn more about fluorosis in India.

Thanks everyone,

Paul Connett.

The “Letter from fluorine effected people”

Dear Friends,

We may not be the first or the last to speak our anguish in words – or to squeak under very young bones; Several generations before us used those same bones as instruments to carry us this long. As a testimony to their success, we are still here.

We chose to speak today on an issue that is fundamental to our existence. We are the people who are cursed by the lack of very basic – safe drinking water.

If you stumbled on this message that hangs in space for the next millennium, you already most likely know about our plight. Our bones are brittle, our teeth come in color, we seem to age faster and our babies do not have normal childhood – all works out to a different life style.

All of this we owe to Fluoride. We also owe it to several successive central and state administrations, local and other leaders that conveniently forgot about our drinking water problems.

We stand corrected! They remind us constantly at every five years or sooner at every election cycle.


We are here though. We still can make a lot of noise. Our stiff and hollow bones seem to give us the extra talent to make a rhythmic noise and create a riot on our very own ‘DAPPU’ – the leather instrument that lets us forget our plight even for an ephemeral night.

We are here though. We still can speak. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. We refuse to quit. Even when our voice does not go beyond the person who is standing next to us, we do not fail to attract attention.

We do take comfort in knowing that you care. Please do not fail us, we need you to never forget us – all the pride we mustered over generations has survived us this far and if you are in a distant land where you can not be hurt anymore by this same water –


We do not mean to hurt anyone’s feelings but expressing the problems of people living in Nalgonda district villages. We have seen all the election promises from parties like Congress(A-Z), CPI(A-Z), CPM, TDP (A-Z) , BJP and any so called political parties!! but go in vein.


We are doing this With the hope of reaching you with our word –

Written for –

The People of Fluorine Effected Villages in Nalgonda District.