HAMPSHIRE councillors have voted almost unanimously to oppose plans to add fluoride to water to tackle tooth decay among the young in Southampton.

Only one councillor spoke out in favour of the plan by health chiefs to boost levels of fluoride in tap water delivered two thirds of Southampton residents as well as 36,000 people in Eastleigh, Totton and Netley.

Others lined up to oppose the proposal by the Southampton Primary Care Trust. They said there was little evidence to show it would reduce health inequalities and were uneasy with the ethics of mass medication.

They agreed with the recommendations of council review panel set up to investigate fluoridation. It found due to a lack of clear evidence on its safety a precaution approach should be taken.

They suggested alternatives be explored to target the children affected rather than the population as a whole.

Councillors agreed set out their opposition in the strongest terms to health chiefs, local MPs, and the secretary of state for health.

Southampton City Councillors voted to back the fluoridation plans last night.