In 2001 the government funded independent York University review of water fluoridation identified high levels, 44 per cent, of dental fluorosis in fluoridated areas of the UK.

Incurable dental fluorosis is the only visible indicator of over exposure to high levels of fluoride in the body and is indicated by mottling on the surface of the adult teeth. This can be white patches or flecks ranging through to a distinctive brown discolouration. No long term research has been undertaken into adverse impacts on the rest of the body of swallowing excess fluoride at a young age.

Fluoride Free Cumbria would be interested in hearing from anyone, adults and children, who have grown up in west Cumbria since the late 1960s, when water fluoridation started, and believes their teeth have been damaged by excess fluoride.

Currently Cumbria County Council authorise and support the fluoridation of just west Cumbria in the county and only 10 per cent of Britain is fluoridated and only three per cent of Europe. In fact most of the rest of the world doesn’t fluoridate.

Fluoride Free Cumbria can be contacted on: 01900 393811 or at

Paul Carr
Chairman of Fluoride Free Cumbria

*Original article online at