In a recent freedom of information request Health Canada has admitted that after a thorough search for studies showing fluoride is safe no records could be found on hydrofluosilicic acid. Hydrofluosilicic acid is one of the most widely used fluoridation chemical along with silicofluorides since they are cheaper than sodium fluoride. Winnipeg Manitoba uses hydrofluosilicic acid to fluoridate our water supply.
With this document from Health Canada admitting that they have no safety studies on hydrofluosilicic acid fluoridation should be stopped immediately. NSF/ANSI Standard 60: Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects requires a toxicology review of the product to ensure its safety at the maximum use level and to evaluate potential contaminants in the product but they do not have any toxicology reviews of this fluoridating agent either. Fluoridation is a clear violation of medical ethics, informed consent, and human rights. These reasons alone should have never allowed fluoridation to start in the first place. In this freedom of information request Health Canada also admits they have no documentation showing that they even considered human rights and medical ethics when allowing our water to be fluoridated.
Health Canada’s mandate is to help Canadians maintain and improve their health. Water fluoridation can cause many health problems and Health Canada’s negligence is putting our health at risk and violating our rights by allowing this practice to continue.