Lobbyists representing groups like the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) and the American Dental Association (ADA) continue to defend water fluoridation, even after a federal court ruled it poses an “unreasonable risk” to children’s IQ. US District Judge Edward Chen’s 80-page ruling summarizes and evaluates the extensive scientific data, including years of research by the National Toxicology Program, which linked fluoride exposure to developmental harm?.

While these health lobbyists maintain their position, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly shifted its stance. Recently, the CDC updated its website, stating that the decision to fluoridate water is now up to local governments and voters?. This change came shortly after the court ruling, prompting concerns that the CDC is retreating from its previous support of fluoridation.

Critics, including Stuart Cooper, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, argue that health organizations are failing to recognize the risks. Cooper pointed out that the National Toxicology Program’s report exposed the dangers of fluoridation.

“The evidence presented at trial, along with the NTP report, exposed the truth that there is no scientific basis for the claim that fluoridation is safe for children. The ADA will be the last to admit that they’re largely responsible for damaging the brain development of millions of innocent kids over many decades.”
Stuart Cooper, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network

Moreover, the Cochrane Review found that water fluoridation provides minimal dental benefits, reducing tooth decay by only a small fraction of one baby tooth—far less than the 25% reduction claimed by proponents?.

As more evidence emerges, many are left questioning why such a potentially harmful practice remains in place. As Cooper emphasized, “The ADA’s refusal to acknowledge the risks shows their determination to protect their reputation rather than the public.”

Read more here?.

Original article online at: https://sharylattkisson.com/2024/10/health-lobbies-push-fluoridation-despite-court-ruling-on-risks/