Johnson County Health Officer Dr. Mark Schueler came before the Buffalo City Council at their Tuesday meeting to ask them to consider putting fluoride in the city’s water.
Schueler cited studies that show fluoride in municipal water systems is beneficial to developing teeth of children, making them more resistant to cavities, and being essentially “neutral” for adults.
According to reports from the Wyoming Dental Association and the State Health Department from 2010, he said, Johnson County has a serious issue with the dental health of its residents, and he explained
He admitted the idea of adding fluoride to water systems is controversial but said as the county’s health officer he felt he was doing his duty to bring up the subject for discussion.
Mayor Mike Johnson said he was aware that Sheridan had recently began adding fluoride to their water, and have had “mixed results,” and said adding fluoride and regulating it was a costly endeavor.
He thought Sheridan’s city leaders were looking at re-evaluating their decision to add fluoride to their water.
Schueler said there is already fluoride in Buffalo’s water that is naturally occurring, but the level is only about one-twenty-fifth of the ideal amount to prevent cavities.
He quoted statistics from the American Dental Association (ADA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that state that for every dollar spent on fluoridated water, it saves nearly $30 in dental bills.
Mayor Johnson said the council would look into the
The issue will be advertised to allow public comment on the matter at a future council meeting.