Note from the Fluoride Action Network
Below is an excerpt from an excellent in-depth article that gives the background to a potential cut-off of hydrogen fluoride supplies from Japan to Korea. HF is a critical commodity needed for Korea’s semi-conductor industry. (EC).
… Earlier this year, relations between South Korea and Japan soured again. This time the culprit was a series of legal judgements issued by courts in Seoul. In two recent cases, the South Korean judiciary identified Japanese companies, Mitsubishi and Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal as being remiss in terms of compensating Korean citizens for having to work in their factories during the Japanese occupation. Notably, one court decision ordered the seizure of company assets and more asset seizure is expected to follow. Business observers on both sides are concerned about the scope and potential for escalation and disruption. Some of the things being discussed include Japan postponing ongoing wartime compensation payments, complicating visa issuance and requirements for South Korean visitors, and even imposing restrictions on materials integral to South Korean semi-conductor production. Korean media is speculating about whether Japan might restrict the export of hydrogen fluoride...
*The full article is at