The Houston City Council decided Monday the ballot language for a Nov. 6 issue that will determine whether fluoride remains in the water supply.

The council — after public input, discussion and research — opted earlier to place the measure before city residents. The city says it is believed to be the first time such an issue has been placed on the ballot in the state. Both the Missouri Municipal League and the city’s attorney, Brad Eidson, said they could find no evidence of a ballot issue.

The wording, the council decided, is:

“Shall the City of Houston continue adding fluoride (hydrofluosilic acid) in the municipal water? The water is currently treated as recommended and approved by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services?”

Council members were presented five alternatives to consider by City Administrator Tona Bowen. A sixth was added when Eidson wondered why his recommendation was not included.

Ultimately, the council used Eidson’s wording and added the chemical name that allows fluoridation to occur. The latter had been requested by two opponents of fluoridation at the meeting. Houston has had fluoride in its water supply for more than 16 years. In 2016, the council opted to keep it in the water supply without a public vote.

*Original article online at