After my livestream with Dr. Geoffrey Pain yesterday…and then listening to a

with a Calgary Doctor – Dr. Bob (listen here)…I had to get my head wrapped around this whole Fluoridation in the Water thing…

The information provided by these doctors, who’ve dived into this for decades…was troubling.

I’d done some research on Fluoride in past, but had never really gone this deep down the rabbit hole…and now that I have, am all fired up to simply not be more exposed to this than already am, without it being directly in every drop of water that I consume or bathe in.

Do I believe that moving this to the recommended levels will cause immediate dangers to the entire populations of Calgary, Chestermere, Airdrie, Okotoks…and whoever else shares our water feeds?

No…but that’s the thing about ‘bio-accumulation’, with products like Fluoride…it will impact all of us – without a doubt – but this will be based on our age, diets, physical characteristics…not to mention the amount of water that we consume.

Meaning…we will have absolutely no idea of the impacts of Fluoridation for decades, spanning to generations from now.

But given that a 7 year battle against the EPA resulted the first steps to limit the use of Fluoride in Water in the United States…and given that some states and even Quebec have already removed it…should be enough concern for us to NOT ADD IT!

To figure out WHY Calgary would have decided to add it back in after removing it in 2011…I decided to poke around and see what I could find…and while this isn’t a deep dive, I think it offers a very large perspective as to how we were duped and that the information that was provided was insincere, at best.

You see…

I’d found this:

The ANNECDOTAL and piss poor study from the University of Calgary – Cumming School of Medicine, you can find here ?Link

Where they conducted a study with 2,600 kids who were seven years old…

They had dental exams and their parents completed a questionnaire about dental hygiene habits, diet and socio-demographic information…

They’d found that 64.8% of Calgary children had one or more cavities and only 55.1% of Edmonton Children did – and this was during the time when these Calgary children were not exposed to Fluoride through drinking water.

Making for around a 10% difference in Calgary Children having one or more cavities.

There are a few problems with this already…in that SURVEYS make for TERRIBLE scientific studies…and especially when asking PARENTS what their 7 YEAR OLD does.

But following this…and maybe something that you don’t remember about being a child or when your children started to lose their baby teeth…this doesn’t even happen until 6-7 years old.

And then…the Mayo Clinic stating that Cavities aren’t caused by a LACK OF FLUORIDE, but because you’re not actually cleaning your teeth well enough or snacking on sugary drinks, being the main causes.

So…these geniuses who set up a study set out to get inaccurate information by way of survey, in children whose teeth are falling out, where they may suffer from a cavity due to sugary drinks…somehow came to the conclusion:

“Our findings are quite clear — fluoridation cessation is having a negative effect on children’s dental health in Calgary. This reinforces the need for universal, publicly funded prevention activities—including but not limited to fluoridation of drinking water,”

And then, used this information to build on previous studies from Edmonton and Calgary from 2013 and 2014.

These studies can be found at the Wiley Online Library, (see here and here) and when looking at them, you’ll see that this is from the “Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology”, with Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods:

Where they conclude:

Trends observed for primary teeth were consistent with an adverse effect of fluoridation cessation on children’s tooth decay, 2.5–3 years post-cessation. Trends for permanent teeth hinted at early indication of an adverse effect. It is important that future data collection efforts in the two cities be undertaken, to permit continued monitoring of these trends.

Stopping fluoridation in children causes an adverse reaction…as in, if it’s NOT in the water, supplementing children…they will suffer

McLaren – from the Cumming School of Medicine says:

“Cavities can be painful, and they can affect a child’s ability to concentrate and learn. They can also be serious: for children under age six in Canada, cavities are the number one reason for day surgery performed under a general anesthetic.”


This is pretty convincing, right?

HOWEVER…if you drill through the Cochrane Oral Health site and their other studies, you’d find that Fluoride Supplementation is a thing, can be taken through tablets, drops, lozenges or chewing gums, for preventing tooth decay in children.

The only problem with this is, they’d concluded that Fluoride Supplements don’t actually do fuck all for children less than 6 years old – check it:

No Conclusions could be reached…

The same people that are telling you that the population of the planet needs fluoride in their water, is ALSO telling you that if it’s not in your water and you take a tablet or some drops, it doesn’t actually make any difference.

Read that all again.

They believe it works when you drink it in water…but not by way of supplementation.

And further to this exact same notion…why, it’s recommended that you NOT swallow toothpaste, but if you do, you should go see a DOCTOR!

You see…all of this information that is presented, is conflicting and weak at very best as actual evidence for the use of fluoridated water…but what you don’t seemingly find in these medical studies is that the average person only has 2.6 grams of Fluoride in their bodies to begin with – which equates to just over a quarter of a TEASPOON…and that because it continues to accumulate in your body (bioaccumulation), is that this absolutely has been linked to issues with your GI, Kidneys, Thyroid – not to mention CANCER and a plethora of other health maladies, including making you dumber.

Make no mistake about this though…

It 100% is a Medical Treatment…because they are ADDING something to what you consume instead of removing it, by way of it being a Public Health Measure:

Which, is actually prohibited by the newly amended Bill of Rights for the Province of Alberta.

So…while Calgarians were duped into 61% voting to support this through a plebiscite…it never included others we share water with, doesn’t include those who may visit our province who may also be exposed to Fluoride when they go out for a Pizza, some pasta, rice or just sip off a fountain or pour themselves a glass of Calgary Water!

We were duped!

Original article online at: