The debate over the merits of adding fluoride to the Island’s water will reach the public consultation stage this evening (Tuesday).
A head-to-head meeting takes place at the Loch Promenade Methodist Church in Douglas at 7 o’clock, organised by the Island Campaign for non-Fluoridated Tap Water.
Supporters of fluoridation, including the health department, claim it is the most efficient way of tackling high rates of dental decay among Island youngsters.
Critics argue, however, that mass medication is ethically wrong and fluoridate’s benefits are questionable and could lead to potentially harmful fluorosis.
Tonight, director of public health Dr Parameswaran Kishore, and chairman of the British Fluoridation Society, Professor Michael Lennon, will argue the pro-fluoridation stance, with Dr Paul Connett, professor emeritus of chemistry at St Lawrence University and executive director of Fluoride Action Network, arguing the case against.