State health officials are urging Tennessee’s oldest town to keep fluoride in the water supply.

Monday night folks said they were divided on what they want Jonesborough’s leaders to do.

Back in May we told you members of the Jonesborough Board of Mayor and Alderman toured the town’s water treatment plant.

After seeing what actually goes into the water, some board members questioned if its right to get rid of fluoride.

In June, a survey was sent out to water customers in Jonesborough.

BMA members revealed the results of that survey at the meeting Monday night.

Out of 782 surveys, 376 people wanted to get rid of fluoride, while 355 said keep it. 51 were undecided.

“I see kids that haven’t brushed their teeth in 4 or 5 years, you wouldn’t believe what their teeth look like when you take that stuff off your teeth, thanks to fluoride in water its prevented them a lot of pain,” Dr. Charles Parker said.

“I want to go on record as being absolutely against this, I think we should have a choice, I think you should have a choice,” Don Larson.

Town leader’s did not make any decisions Monday night.

Jonesborough Mayor Kelly Wolfe says it’s unclear when they will.

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See original report

• See July 19, 2016, article: Jonesborough residents have say on fluoride