Kennebunk, Maine — Thanks in part to quick action by local dentists, community water fluoridation will not be on the ballot in November for voters who live in the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District.

One of Maine’s largest water districts, it serves the towns of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells, Ogunquit, Arundel and portions of Biddeford and York. The water system serves the region with a combined population of more than 70,000 people in the summer months and nearly 30,000 the rest of the year.

… Local dentists responded by organizing dentists to attend each of the town board meetings armed with information to share with selectmen and others at the meetings, Dr. Howard said. By the next week, when it was clear that there would not be a majority of the towns in favor of putting the issue on the ballot, Kennebunk cancelled its town hall meeting and by the end of the month the citizen who had requested the petition withdrew her request.

… “We are now putting a sentinel system into place to monitor what’s happening at the community level,” Dr. Howard said. “This will enable us to have dentists, physicians, nurses, teachers and other advocates armed with the facts to present to local governments and to educate the public when needed.”

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