The next city council could be asked to return fluoride to the city’s water supply. What is your position on this?

Absolutely not. Harmful for dental health.


Radio show producer

Political/volunteer experience:

Third run for the Mayor of Calgary

What is your motivation for seeking a seat on city council?

To restore the Lordship of Jesus Christ to the Mayor’s office in line with the Supremacy of God clause in the Charter of Rights.

Describe your leadership style:

Governed by Christian ethical principles, which means principles over promises.

What do you consider the single most important issue facing Calgarians, and what should be done about it?

City overreach on pandemic response. Lack of scientific and legal authority for what they have done on masking and vaccine discrimination. A violation of the Nuremberg Code which demands a reckoning.

What are the three most important issues in your ward, and how would you address them?

1. Restore the auto and truck as the number one transportation priority.

2. Cut city staffing by one-third, mostly middle management, in an effort to bring property taxes down to livable levels for both business and residential.

3. Abolish the bankrupting Calgary Municipal Plan and all other barnacles to promote Conservative Urbanism as espoused by the American Dream Coalition.

Do you support the city’s downtown revitalization strategy? Where should funding and programs be focused?

Not at all. These money-wasting subsidies to council favorites must end. Put all efforts toward cutting spending and property taxes.

What innovative project or job creation measure can you propose to aid Calgary’s post-COVID economic recovery?

Zippo! Cut the regs and taxes and let businesses recover in a sustainable and organic natural recovery.

What should city council do to keep young adults from leaving Calgary?

Provide more trades training in high schools to see what they are fitted for. Cut useless pursuit of non-productive social justice careers. Work your way up like everyone else, be ready to humble your expectations, not expect others to carry you.

* All candidate Q&As have been edited for clarity and brevity. 

*Original article online at