I speak from painful personal experience. As Lethbridge considers its stand on water fluoridation, please be advised you should have no confidence in the integrity of the system that produced the “science” of water fluoridation.

I am a biochemist involved with an experiment since 2005 on lead service lines supplying drinking water to homes in Washington, D.C. My dissenting opinion has been that industry research and compliance with U.S. Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)1991 systematically underestimates lead contamination of drinking water. I have been recognized as a whistleblower. The EPA has continued for years ignoring my input.

Recent studies in 2013 confirm my concerns. I also suffer painful, serious health effects and consequences of 60 years exposure to fluoridation chemicals made apparent to me only in the last 18 months, perhaps exasperated by fluorine gas I was exposed to at the water treatment plant in Washington, DC.

I insisted on getting a fluoride analysis of the deformed head of my femur bone sawed off during hip replacement. It measured 1,500 ppm fluoride of ashed bone weight, pointing to the diagnosis of the initial stage of skeletal fluorosis. My medical bills in the last 18 months are almost $150,000.

Fluoride is a lifelong accumulative toxin and slowly harms which, if exposure is excessive, eventually destroys every human organ system. It really is absolute foolishness to add more fluoride to drinking water. I did not give my consent to be an experimental toxic waste dump for the last 60 years! Now eight months after avoiding fluoride, I am slowly getting better.

The U.S. EPA, CDC, municipalities and water utilities continue to this day, as they have for decades, to mislead the public about their true exposure to lead in drinking water leaching from lead service lines. This is the same system that produced the “science” of water fluoridation replete with decades of willful blindness, bias, grants for preconceived research results, repression of true scientists, propaganda slogans, down playing of negative health effects, professional bullying, junk science techniques, cherry picking data, fraud, powerful corrupt politics, and industrial interests.

To unduly threaten the health of your community with water fluoridation based on schemes that masquerade as true science is foolishness indeed.

See information links at http://www.fluoridefreelethbridge.com/takeaction/letter/biochemist.html.

Susan Kanen

Biochemist, Anchorage, Alaska