Re: MPP Bob Delaney’s petition to mandate artificial water fluoridation across Ontario.
The 2002 Safe Drinking Water Act states “Dilution is no excuse for adding a contaminant to drinking water.”
For decades, numerous Ontario municipalities have used hydrofluorsilicic acid to artificially fluoridate drinking water.
HFSA is classified by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act as synthetic, persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic. It has never been regulated under Canada’s Food and Drugs Act and the Hazardous Waste Act prohibits its direct disposal anywhere in the environment.
There are growing concerns that inordinate fluoride exposure from all sources, like pesticides, fumigant residues and mouthwash, contributes to health problems. The U.S. National Research Council has warned that kidney patients, diabetics, seniors and babies are especially vulnerable to harm from ingested fluorides.
Since 2004, there has been a 33 per cent reduction of artificially fluoridated communities across Canada.
Published, variable controlled studies have shown no increase in tooth decay following cessation.
Incredibly, against this backdrop, Mississauga MPP Bob Delaney presented a petition to the Ontario legislature proposing mandatory artificial water fluoridation for the entire province — a position supported by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.
Introducing a known toxin to drinking water without proper safety or efficacy studies, or the consideration of current fluoride exposure, is reckless. It also flies in the face of ethical medical practice, which affords individuals the right to consent.
Accordingly, safe water advocates demand the withdrawal of the petition before the legislature and expect our health unit to retract its position of support.
A request for the release of studies conducted in Canada — or anywhere in the world — that prove HFSA is safe for consumption or effective in preventing dental caries was sent to Health Canada’s Access to Information and Privacy Division.
Their response May 26, 2014: “After a thorough search for the requested information, no records were located which respond to your request.”
KIM DeYONG, DONNA JEAN MAYNE, AYESHA DROUILLARD and ROGER DZUGAN, Fluoride Free Windsor, Unifor Local 200 Environment Committee, Windsor Essex Chapter of the Council of Canadians, Windsor