To the editor:
Thank you to the Gloucester Daily Times for featuring Karen Favazza Spencer’s My View column, “Stop Poisoning Gloucester,” in the Aug. 4, opinion section. Gloucester, all of Cape Ann and beyond, owes a huge debt of thanks to her for so clearly detailing a science-based presentation on the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water. Karen has been a one-woman show fighting to educate us about the alarming harmful effects on both children and adults of fluoride in our drinking water.
In the past, I have personally attended forums and City Council meetings where the opinion of the dental professional was respected as sufficient, while Karen’s fact-based presentation was pretty much dismissed. Read her “Annotated Bibliography of Published Science”, check out her credentials, and open a real, unbiased debate. It is way past time for our mayor and City Council to end the dangerous policy of fluoridating our water.
Even though Karen will be leaving Gloucester; she will keep fighting for the rest of us. Good luck, Karen. Your voice will still be heard.
Suzanne London,
*Original letter online at