I commend the Press Herald’s coverage (Oct. 17) of the Fluoride Opposition Committee in Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor and Southport, which is lobbying to stop adding fluoride to the public water in the Boothbay Region Water District.
Fluoridated water is not dental care or medical care. It is water treated with toxic waste from the fertilizer industry, millions of gallons of toxic waste added to our national public water supply, which is why the Environmental Protection Agency endorsed the practice in the first place: “The solution to pollution is dilution.”
Before the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Wells Water District stopped adding fluoride to our public water, they spent $200,000 for equipment and $20,000 a year for the fluorosilicic acid the equipment added to our water. That, and whatever the 125 Maine towns spent on water fluoridation, is what we didn’t spend on dental schools and students studying to be dentists and hygienists and maybe even mobile dental clinics that could serve our extended communities.
We’ve been subsidizing this fluoridated industrial farce for 75 years. Maybe it’s time for payback.
Alec Ferguson
*Original full-text article online at: https://www.pressherald.com/2022/10/20/letter-to-the-editor-stop-adding-fluoride-to-maine-public-water-systems/