Action Alert 
Loveland Utilities Commission to Hold Special Meeting on Fluoride 9/30/14  
Do you have grassroots supporters that live in Loveland? If so, we have a strong need for them to take action to protect community water fluoridation in their city! Please share this important information with them. 
The Loveland Utilities Commission will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 from 4-8 pm at the Loveland Police and Courts Building located at 810 E. 10th Street to gather citizen input regarding the addition of fluoride to the city’s water supply. Details on the meeting and supplemental materials can be found on the Commission’s website.
Three Things You Can Do
  1. Go to the spcial meeting. Citizens are welcome to attend and may address the commission starting at  7 pm .Comments will be limited two to three minutes per person.  
  2. Chime in via Twitter. Tag the Commission in a tweet using @LovelandWP
  3. Comment on Facbook. Post your support on the Commission’s page
  • For a variety of reasons, Loveland’s water supply has not been fluoridated at optimal levels for approximately four years. Recently, Loveland has worked to achieve optimally fluoridated water (July and August of this year).
  • Loveland officials state they are committed to continuing fluoridation. However, there are a number of new Commission members that can be educated about the benefits of water fluoridation during this special meeting.
  • We anticipate those opposed to fluoridation will  speak at this meeting—they can be persuasive.  We need to make sure that the Commission keeps its commitment to fluoridation.
How Does Fluoride Work?
Fluoride combats tooth decay in two ways: it is incorporated into the structure of developing teeth when it is ingested and it protects teeth when it comes in contact with the surface of the teeth. Fluoride prevents the acid produced by the bacteria in plaque from dissolving, or demineralizing, tooth enamel, the hard and shiny substance that protects the teeth. Fluoride also allows teeth damaged by acid to repair, or remineralize, themselves. Fluoride cannot repair cavities, but it can reverse low levels of tooth decay and thus prevent new cavities from forming.
It’s Important to Take Action
  • Officials need to hear from Loveland citizens who support fluoridation, especially parents!
  • Review the talking points below and develop your personal comments for the meeting, or post on social media.
  • If you have any questions or want to discuss your comments, please contact Deborah Foote at or 303.258.3339.
Talking Points
  • The proper amount of fluoride from infancy through old age helps prevent and control tooth decay.
  • Nearly all naturally occurring water sources contain fluoride—a mineral that has been proven to prevent, and even reverse, tooth decay. When a water source has too much fluoride it is removed to reach the optimal level. When supplies have too little fluoride such as in Loveland, more is added to reach just the right amount.
  • Fluoridation leads to healthier communities—it is economical and easy.
  • There is no practical alternative to water fluoridation for reducing cavities, especially for children in poverty.
  • Health groups are overwhelmingly pro-fluoridation, with the CDC calling fluoridation “one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.” The groups supporting fluoridation include the American Dental Association, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization and the last six U.S. Surgeon Generals.
  • No scientific evidence exists to support any of the claimed negative health effects of fluoridation other than fluorosis—a very mild mottling of tooth enamel (a cosmetic issue)—which can be avoided by adhering to current recommended intake levels.
For More Information on Fluoridation
Visit the Campaign for Dental Health website.