A letter was sent to officials in Lynn haven, informing them they don’t have the recommended standards of fluoride in their water.

“They decided that dental was an issue in bay county and we developed the dental strategic planning committee and looking into the issue and fluoride is one of the problems,” said Bay County’s Dental Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Mary Matthews.

The city’s water, which mostly comes from wells and water plants, naturally has fluoride in it, but it’s the only city in Bay County that has lower than recommended amount in its drinking water.

Lynn haven checks it’s fluoride levels every three years and according to the last report, it had fluoride levels between .5 and .6.

The county says that’s not enough for optimal fluoride levels, Mayor Kelley disagrees.

That .2 is being made up in many ways through food, toothpaste, mouthwash. I just feel like the amount that is required or recommended is there,” said Kelley.

The recommended amount of fluoride in the state of Florida is between .8 and 1.2, two-tenths higher than Lynn Haven.

However, Dentist Daniel Melzer knows tooth decay and says fluoride in the water is important.

He believes the city should reach the optimal amount.

“Dentistry has a lot of problems with access to care issue and people who not receiving proper dental treatment and this really does a great job to prevent those basic problems that they have,” said Melzer.

Mayor Kelley wants to assure the city of Lynn Haven that it’s resident’s health is a priority.

“We’re going to continue to look at the inspections with the fluoride in our water and if there is some concerns we will deal with them,” said Kelley.

But for now, he thinks the levels are okay.

Lynn haven is still looking into whether it should raise its fluoride levels.

If they decide to, then the Florida Department of Health will provide the city with a grant and the proper equipment to make that happen.

Three small mobile home parks in Bay County also had lower than recommended fluoride levels. Those are Bay Behavioral Health Program, Deer Haven Mobile Home Park, and Lisenby Mobile Home Park.