MACROOM Town Council at their latest meeting added their support to the increasing number of town council’s across the country that have called for an end to public water fluoridation in Ireland.
This latest development comes shortly after Bantry Town Council passed a similar motions and builds on the the public stance taken by Skibbereen and Clonakilty Town Councils in West Cork last year.
The motion proposed, called for the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in Ireland.
Owen Boyden of the West Cork Fluoride Free campaign said, “This development gives the campaign here in West Cork and across the country a another welcome boost of support, though it makes no difference legally as water fluoridation is mandated at government level, it does show public support is massively growing and the Irish government’s fluoridation policy regrettably continues despite increasing isolation here in Ireland and abroad”.
Campaigners claim water fluoridation poses a number of health risks.