In their recent letter (Water fluoridation claims disputed by doctors, Cape Breton Post, June 22), Dr. Daniela Kempkens, Dr. Ferne Kraglund and Dr. Robert Strang said they wished to address “misinformation” about community water fluoridation, specifically with respect to recent U.S. government-funded studies of Mexican mother-child pairs that strongly suggest harm occurs at exposure levels during pregnancy that are common in Canada, and thyroid research.
Yes, it’s true that many fluoridation defenders have gone to great lengths to critique the studies by Bashash et al. And it seems they all have one thing in common: no primary studies whatsoever to assure the public that fluoride exposure is actually safe during pregnancy with respect to childhood IQ or ADHD symptoms.
I have personally sought such studies, via Freedom of Information requests, from numerous Ontario institutions that defend water fluoridation including the City of Toronto, the Region of Peel, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, the Town of Tecumseh and Public Health Ontario. None have provided a single study to date.
In my fluoridated community, the Region of Peel, despite a looming lawsuit, four years of recent committee investigation, years of controversy and questions from the public, public health staff’s assurances that they carefully monitor the scientific literature, and the Region’s incessant claims that our drinking water is safe for everyone, staff are, in fact, so unfamiliar with the primary fluoride studies in their possession that someone must now spend 35 hours over an extended six-week period (at a cost of over $1,000 to taxpayers) to hunt for studies:
Drs. Kempkens, Kraglund and Strang would have saved everyone so much time, expense and worry if they had simply pointed out primary scientific studies that prove:
1) fluoride exposure is in fact safe during pregnancy with respect to childhood IQ and ADHD symptoms
2) no thyroids of Canadians in fluoridated communities are being harmed by too much fluoride. Instead they provided the usual condescending assurances and endorsements, but no science.
Christine Massey, M.Sc. Brampton, Ont.
(part of the Region of Peel)
*Original letter online at