Brooksville, Florida Community Drinking Water System Consumers… more importantly Voters…

On November 6, Election Day, you will be asked whether or not the City of Brooksville should continue to add fluoride to the city’s drinking water system?

I would strongly encourage you to VOTE NO! Using the community drinking water system to administer any substance for the purpose of achieving a medical result is just plain wrong.

Watch this feed and you will see how the legions of “Debbie Dogooders” go on the attack. There is no reason to dose the drinking water supply… I don’t care what the CDC or HHS or even your dentist has to say… it’s wrong, dangerous and unnecessary.

It’s WRONG because the city water department’s job is to provide you clean safe drinking water (and many struggle at that)… not to be your pharmacist.

It’s DANGEROUS because they cannot control the dose. For 50 years the CDC said the “proper dose” was 1.2 mg/L… just two years ago they finally admitted they were wrong, after destroying the teeth and bones of hundreds of thousands… and lowered the recommended dose to 0.7 mg/L… almost half… ooooops! The post picture is what fluorosis looks like!

It’s UNNECESSARY because fluoride is available from your dentist, in your toothpaste, foods and beverages… and adding it to your drinking water is what causes OVERDOSE problems.

Be smart… look at who is funding the YES campaign… and ask yourselves WHY?


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*From the Facebook of Erin Brockovich