The next city council could be asked to return fluoride to the city’s water supply. What is your position on this?
Yes, it has more pros.
Independent contractor, self-employed
Political/volunteer experience:
I ran on behalf of the NDP in 2015 in Calgary West.
What is your motivation for seeking a seat on city council?
My motivation is to change our dysfunctional city council, enhancement of democracy, the unfair electoral process, promote our local business and term limit for mayor and councillors.
Describe your leadership style:
Whatever I can do alone, together we could do way better. I will encourage our councillors to do more public engagement in their wards.
What do you consider the single most important issue facing Calgarians, and what should be done about it?
Lack of political culture, we need to introduce our city council as a partisan institute.
What are the three most important issues in your ward, and how would you address them?
Greenspace, bike lanes and transit. I will reduce the property tax and introduce a new council tax like the UK; then I do not need to sell our park to a developer; with our council tax money, I will build more bike lanes and provide more transit, especially for seniors.
Do you support the city’s downtown revitalization strategy? Where should funding and programs be focused?
No, I do not support the 200 million dollars revitalization strategy which councillors approved. I have a plan to build a second green downtown in Quarry Park.
What innovative project or job creation measure can you propose to aid Calgary’s post-COVID economic recovery?
If I am elected, I will still emphasize oil and gas, and gradually, I will transform our economy toward tech, tourism, film, and music.
What should city council do to keep young adults from leaving Calgary?
Strive to limit terms for mayor and councillors. Calgary Economic Development needs to be focused on social ethics rather than only well-being for corporate. Promote our local businesses, like local cab companies and not the international rideshare companies like UBER.
* All candidate Q&As have been edited for clarity and brevity.
*Original article online at