Send our press release to the news departments of your local media outlets (TV, radio, newspaper).  Here are links to the releases:

-Publication of Bashash Study: New Study Confirms Fluoride Harms Fetal Brain; Lowers IQ

-Publication of Additional Research: Fluoride During Pregnancy Endangers Babies Intelligence, more Research Shows

-Moms2B Campaign Launch: “No Room in the Womb for Fluoride

Please stay tuned as this page will be updated with additional information, tools, and materials over the next 24-hours, including tips on how to send the release, who to send it to, and advice on securing coverage.

See also:

Social Media Campaign
Educate Your Local Media Outlets
Letter-to-Editor Campaign
Contact Your State Legislator
Educate Your Local Decision Makers
Local Screenings of our Videos and PSAs