MONROE, Wis. (WKOW) – City leaders in Monroe voted Monday night to recommend removing fluoride from the municipal water system. The matter was then referred to the Judiciary and Ordinance Committee for further discussion.

Speaking to 27 News over the phone, Monroe Mayor Donna Douglas said the matter came about after community members contacted city leaders, asking them to remove the chemical.

Fluoride is used in many water systems across the country as a means of strengthening dental health. Detractors have called the chemical unsafe, citing a variety of potential health effects.

The U.S. Public Health Service recommends a fluoride concentration in community water systems of 0.7 milligrams per liter. The current City of Monroe ordinance matches that guideline.

Ahead of Monday night’s meeting, residents submitted a bevy of written comments on the issue. Still more weighed in during public comment at the meeting.

“I urge you to consider the potential risks and uncertainties associated with fluoride and to support the removal of this chemical from our city’s water supply,” Monroe resident Jana Crandall wrote. “I believe that this decision will prioritize the health and well-being of our citizens.”

The faction backing fluoride in the water supply was led by dental organizations. Several submitted their own comments to the Common Council.

“Fluoridation of community water supplies is considered one of the most significant public health advances of the 20th century and one of the safest, most cost-effective ways to increase overall oral health,” Wisconsin Dental Association President Dr. Chris Hansen wrote. “Since its introduction over 65 years ago, fluoridation has dramatically improved the dental health of tens of millions of Americans.”

The city’s water utility estimates that it costs the community $11,544 per year to inject fluoride into the water supply. Additional costs can be incurred if fluoridation equipment stops functioning.

After the Judiciary and Ordinance Committee delivers its recommendation, the Common Council would have to approve removing fluoride at a future meeting before the chemical would stop flowing through the city’s pipes.

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