… A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the addition of fluoride to treated water. Adam noted that Project 7 will exhaust the current supply of U.S. manufactured fluoride by July 2014. Project 7 currently owns the last known U.S. sourced dry powder fluoride in existence. There are currently no remaining U.S. manufacturers of fluoride. Adam presented the following four fluoridation options for consideration:
1. Purchase new product from Chinese sources
2. Purchase Sodium Fluoride from yet to be determined sources
3. Switch to an acid feed system
4. Discontinue fluoridation
Board members unanimously expressed concern with poor/non-existent quality assurance and quality control issues with Chinese manufactured products. The Sodium Fluoride product is approximately thirty-three percent (33%) as effective and costs approximately three times more than the dry powder product currently in use. Switching to an acid feed system requires significant upgrades to the water treatment plant, introduces additional corrosion issues, requires extensive operator training, and requires additional permitting. Dillon, Palisade, Boulder, and Aspen have discontinued water fluoridation. Adam also noted that fluoride is naturally occurring in our source waters. Each Board member discussed his/her opinion of the options presented. After considerable discussion, the Board unanimously voted to discontinue fluoridation after the existing U.S. sourced dry powder product is exhausted. Adam will develop talking points and educational materials for citizens opposed to the decision.
DATE: July 27, 2014
The practice of fluoridation will end on July 31st. A press release was issued in early July and an article ran in the Montrose Daily Press soon after.