Healthier teeth for Queenslanders are a step closer, after the first two fluoride units in a State wide rollout arrived today. Deputy Premier Paul Lucas watched as the units were delivered to the Mt Crosby Water Treatment plant, on Brisbane’s western outskirts.
(PressZoom) – Healthier teeth for Queenslanders are a step closer, after the first two fluoride units in a State wide rollout arrived today.
Deputy Premier Paul Lucas watched as the units were delivered to the Mt Crosby Water Treatment plant, on Brisbane’s western outskirts.
“These are among the largest fluoride units to be installed at a water treatment plant in Australia, second only to Sydney‘s major water treatment plant,” said the Deputy Premier.
“In fact, these units were manufactured in Sydney and then carried here by truck, before being lifted by crane into the buildings that will house them.
”These two plants are among the most state of the art units to be installed in Australia and will provide fluoridated water to around half of South East Queensland.
“This delivery today means we are on target to deliver fluoridated water to South East Queensland from December this year.
“Fluoridation is one of the Bligh Government’s most important investments in the future health of our children.
“It will mean our kids will enjoy the same healthy teeth other Australians have had for up to 40 years.”
The SEQ rollout is part of the Bligh Government’s $35 million commitment to providing fluoridated water to the vast majority of Queenslanders by 2012.
Mr Lucas said the first phase of the SEQ program would include upgrades to:
· Mt Crosby ( x 2 ) and North Pine covering Greater Brisbane;
· Landers Shute on the Sunshine Coast; and
· Molendinar and Mudgeeraba on the Gold Coast.
“Fabrication on these first 6 units is now 70% complete and they’ll all be delivered by the middle of November for installation,” said Mr Lucas.
“Fluoridation is a safe, effective and proven preventative against tooth decay and I am committed to ensuring that future generations of Queenslanders will reap the benefits.
“A 1996 study in Townsville showed a significant difference in the levels of tooth decay in children, with Townsville kids having about 40 per cent less tooth decay than Brisbane children.
“Water fluoridation has overwhelming support by all the major medical and dental bodies here and overseas, including the World Health Organisation, the Australian Dental Association and the Australian Medical Association.”
Mr Lucas said water fluoridation would also be phased into water treatment plants in the following local government areas:
• 2009: SEQ minor water treatment plants, Indigenous communities, commencement of Cairns, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton and Toowoomba;
• 2010: Completion of Cairns, Gladstone, Mackay and Rockhampton; Fraser, Gympie, Somerset, South Burnett, Southern Downs, commencement of Dalby;
• 2011: Blackall, Emerald, Dalby completion, Goondiwindi, Hinchinbrook, Longreach, Mornington, Mt Isa, Murweh, North Burnett, Rio Tinto ( Weipa ), Tablelands, Whitsunday;
• 2012: Balonne, Banana, Barcaldine, Bundaberg, Burdekin, Carpentaria, Charters Towers, Cassowary, Cloncurry, Cook, Flinders, Isaac, Paroo, Roma, Toowoomba