THE new LNP Member for Beaudesert has condemned the introduction of fluoride into south-east Queensland’s water supply in his maiden speech in State Parliament on Wednesday.
Opposition MP Aidan McLindon said the Labor Government’s decision was “ill-educated”.
“I never recall my mother telling me to swallow my toothpaste after I brushed my teeth,” he said.
“Maybe there is another poison out there we can add to the water that prevents obesity.”
Mr McLindon urged the government to incorporate the benefits of natural, preventative and complementary medicine into its public health system.
“This will alleviate the bottleneck system that Queenslanders currently face,” he said.
“Medical doctors, as do truck drivers, need safe work hours given the demands, stress and high-risk environments within which they operate.”
Mr McLindon said “reform” was his clear objective, as he outlined his short-term hopes and 50-year vision.
“Small business will continue to be the backbone of the state’s economy.
“The Aboriginal culture and tradition will be thriving.
“Government will actually take the time to analyse how successful business operates, with a view to reducing taxes and empowering the consumer.
“We will again become dependent on our local farmers to meet our global requirements.”
Carers of people with disabilities needed more government assistance, he added.
“(They) need to be recognised for the honourable role they play in an increasingly self-centred society,” he said.
“Globalisation will complete its 360-degree cycle and there will be a return to localisation.”
Queensland will have an upper house and payroll tax will not exist, in Mr McLindon’s vision of the future.