Tuesday marked the first Collier County Commissioners meeting of 2016, and commissioners didn’t waste any time getting down to business…

… Collier County may also seek to alter the future of its public drinking water.

Naples resident Camden Smith spoke for 10 minutes on the harmful effects of fluoride, and a half-dozen Neapolitans, who all appeared to be in their early-to-late 60s, firmly held up their white and yellow signs in silent support for Smith’s crusade.

Hiller says people should have a choice whether or not public water contains fluoride.

“The government should not be forcing its choice on people,” she said…

A majority ruled to bring back the discussion at another meeting, and commissioners asked for more information, like what parts of Collier uses well water versus water that contains fluoride and case studies on what the elimination of fluoride has done for other parts of the state…

See original article and photo