Nytt salt for battre tandhalsa Salta maten och stark tanderne pa kaput….

Translation: New salt for better dental health

Salt your food and get better teeth into the bargain. Teenagers at Rosengards School in Malmo are the first in Sweden to test fluoride-salt in their school dinners.

“Dental Care” at Rosengard has been noted for success with caries prevention in preschool children. Now teenagers are in focus. “Teens are a risky age for the teeth”, says dentist Inger Wennhall.

Toothbrushing is down amongst teenagers in this area according to her interviews with 200 volunteers who were taking part in a two year trial. “Very many don’t brush their teeth every day, in some cases just once a week” she says.

In areas with poor dental health, WHO recommends salt with fluoride added. But this has not been tried on such a large scale in Sweden before.

Secondary school students at Rosengards School can now choose between fluoride-salt and ordinary salt. Those who take part in the trial also get free fluoride-salt to take home to the family for use in baking and meal preparation.

“My hope is that this will lead to the import and sale of fluoride-added salt in shops, at least in this area”, says Inger Wennhal.

– END –

NOTE: The same article ran In a May 30, 2009, Swedish paper with this addition:

• Fluorsalt är ett bergssalt med tillsats av fluor.
• Fluoride Salt is a rock salt with the addition of fluoride. Smakar ungefär som vanligt salt, men innehåller kalium i stället för natrium och har inte samma negativa hälsoeffekter som vanligt salt. Tastes much like common salt, but contains potassium instead of sodium and does not have the same negative health effects of common salt.

• Kostar cirka åtta kronor kilot, men finns inte på den svenska marknaden.
• Is about eight kronor kilot, but as yet is not on the Swedish market.

• Rekommenderas av Världshälsoorganisationen i områden med hög kariesförekomst.
• Recommended by the World Health Organization in areas with high caries incidence.

• Ersätter inte tandborstning, men kan vara ett komplement.
• Does not replace brushing, but can be complementary.

• Delas ut gratis till de 200 försöksdeltagarna på Rosengårdsskolan.
• Distributed free to the 200 trial participants on Rosengård School. Tonåringarnas tänder före och efter försöket jämförs med utvecklingen hos tonåringar på en annan Malmöskola. Their teeth will be compared before and after the experiment with the results in teenagers at another Malmö School.

Källa: Inger Wennhall, Folktandvården, Malmö (TT) Source: Inger Wennhall, dental, Malmö (TT)