The state will test another 150 private wells around Bennington for the chemical PFOA.
Gov. Shumlin announced late Thursday that some well samples collected last week show that the suspected carcinogen has contaminated additional private wells beyond the original testing area.
The Department of Environmental Conservation says it will begin testing wells around the Bennington landfill next week.
Explore all of VPR’s coverage of PFOA contamination and testing around the state.
Twenty-two samples collected last week showed non-detect results, and 19 samples showed concentrations of PFOA over the Vermont Health Department advisory limit of 20 parts per trillion (ppt), ranging from 22ppt to 471ppt. The remaining nine results were below 20ppt. Five monitoring wells surrounding Bennington Landfill were also tested and showed PFOA levels ranging from 18ppt to 140ppt.
The department will do spot checks even further beyond the Chemfab factory in North Bennington to see if additional drinking water sources have been contaminated with PFOA.
Next week, samples will be collected around the Bennington Landfill. DEC will also conduct a series of tests outside of the testing area on Corey Lane, Whipstock Rd, Airport Rd, along 7A and in the Shaftsbury area near Cold Spring Road.
To date, 232 water supplies have been tested, with 126 having PFOA above the Vermont health advisory level of 20 parts per trillion.
The Department of Environmental Conservation has not yet received any results from the soil testing that has been done in the area.
The state is also expecting the first test results from private wells in Pownal next week.