NORTH ATTLEBORO — A North Attleboro dentist has signed an international petition urging a congressional investigation into safety and health concerns about fluoridation.

Dr. David Satloff said Thursday he signed the Statement of Concern on Fluoridation because he believes the subject deserves a more thorough scientific review. Studies have shown some or no advantage to fluoridating public water supplies, he said.

Fluoridation advocates say the treatment promotes oral health and reduces the potential for cavities.

The Statement of Concern was released Tuesday at the EPA Science Forum Session on Fluoridation. More than 100 health and environmental professionals and groups signed the petition, according to a press release from Second Look, a national educational non-profit group currently focusing on fluoridation issues. Satloff is the only local signatory.

“ I just think that there’s enough evidence that it’s appropriate that there be a second look,” Satloff said.

“ I don’t think it’s a radical position. I think it’s a prudent position.”

The news comes amid a lingering controversy over fluoridation in North Attleboro and Plainville.

North Attleboro voters have approved fluoridation, and Plainville voters have rejected it. However, water from one Plainville well is treated at the Whiting Street Treatment Plant that the two towns share.

The towns have not reached an agreement on how to remove fluoride from water that is treated at that plant, then piped to Plainville.

A proposal for a $1.8 million treatment plant to accomplish this will be considered at Plainville’s June 9 annual town meeting.

“ My own personal belief is fluoridation can be beneficial to some people,” Satloff said. “ My problem is having government mandate a known toxin for some people.”