At its meeting on 5 August 2015 Council decided that the fluroride referendum day would be 5 November 2015. Council had already decided in late 2014 that a binding referendum of the electors within the Thames water supply area of service should be held before the end of 2015 to determine if fluoridation of the Thames water supply should continue.
Is Council running the referendum?
No. The referendum is being run independently by Election Services, who also run the Council elections.
What is a binding referendum?
A binding referendum is one where the decision needs to be acted upon and implemented.
Does it need a big majority?
No, the Council has decided that a simple majority is sufficient.
Does binding mean forever?
No. The current Council cannot commit future Councils to decisions indefinitely.
What happens once the result is known?
Once the result is confirmed, and the decision is ratified by the Council, if the vote is for fluoridation of the Thames water supply to continue there will be no change. If the vote is against then it will take a short time for the water supply systems to be completely clear of fluoride. The estimated timescales for this would be measured in days rather than weeks.
Eligibility to Vote
What is the Thames water supply area of service?
This includes all properties within the Thames water supply area of service. The Thames water supply covers properties from Tararu in the north down to Kopu. Te Ana Lane in the Kauaeranga Valley is the eastern extent of the network. To find out if you are in the area of service, you can:
• Call Council on 07 868 0200, or
• Come and see us at Council’s main reception at 515 Mackay Street, Thames.
I live in the Thames water supply area of service but have two properties in the area – do I get two votes?
No – every resident elector in the Thames water supply area of service who is on the Residential Electoral Roll gets only one vote – the same as for Council elections. (If you are on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll you are automatically enrolled on the Thames-Coromandel District Residential Electoral Roll).
I don’t live in the district but I own property in the Thames water supply area of service – can I vote?
Yes you can vote if you are enrolled on the non-resident Ratepayer Electoral Roll. Check the roll by calling the Electoral Office on 0800 922 822 or by visiting Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception.
The roll will be available for public inspection at the Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception at 515 Mackay Street, Thames between Wednesday 12 August 2015 and Wednesday 9 September 2015.
I don’t live in Thames but the property that I own in the Thames water supply area of service has many owners – who gets to vote?
If a property has many owners, those owners must choose one of the owners to represent that property, and only that person will have the right to vote. That person will need to complete the enrolment form for non-resident ratepayer electors. Download a copy of the form here: You can also pick up a hard copy from the Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception at 515 MacKay Street, Thames.
I don’t own the property I live in, am I entitled to vote?
Yes if you are enrolled on the Residential Electoral Roll. Check the roll by calling the Electoral Office on 0800 922 822 or by visiting Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception.
The roll will be available for public inspection at the Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception at 515 Mackay Street, Thames between Wednesday 12 August 2015 and Wednesday 9 September 2015.
I live in the Thames water supply area of service but I am not on the Residential Electoral Roll – how do I enrol?
Check out your enrolment status online here: You can also pick up an enrolment form (the one with the orange man on the front) from the Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception at 515 MacKay Street, Thames or any Post Shop, complete it and send it in the free post-paid envelope.
When is referendum day?
Thursday 5 November 2015.
When are voting packs posted out?
From Wednesday 14 October 2015 and delivery is expected to take three working days. This is the beginning of the three week voting period. Voting closes at 12noon on election day, Thursday 5 November 2015.
What if I don’t receive my voting pack?
If you do not receive your pack by Monday 19 October 2015, call the electoral office on 0800 922 822 and ask for a special vote.
I am going to be away overseas during the voting period – can I still vote?
This would require a special vote and this can be arranged by calling the electoral office on 0800 922 822.
Can I get another voting pack if I damage or lose my pack originally sent to me?
Your vote will be accepted if your intention is clear. If your original vote is damaged or lost, call the electoral office on 0800 922 822 for a special vote.
Am I required to vote – is voting compulsory?
No voting is not compulsory but we would like as many people to vote and have their say as possible.
What is the barcode on the voting document? I thought this was a secret vote.
The barcode is your unique number assigned by the electoral officer to enable your name to be ‘marked off the roll’ (and to prevent a person trying to vote more than once). It is a legal requirement and a person’s name and how they vote are held separately and not linked.
How do I return my voting document?
Voting papers can be returned using the free postage paid return envelope included in your voting pack. Votes can also be dropped off at a ballot box located at the Thames-Coromandel District Council’s main reception at 515 MacKay Street right up until the close of voting. Voting closes at 12noon on election day, Thursday 5 November 2015.
Votes received after 12 noon on Thursday 5 November, even if posted before the deadline will be marked ‘Disallowed, delivered late’ and are dealt with separately and must not be counted. It is important to allow sufficient time if using the freepost envelopes as the delivery targets by NZ Post are up to 3 working days. Please be aware that the day of posting does not count as the first day. We recommend posting no later than Friday 30 October 2015, to ensure it arrives before voting closes.
Can I vote online rather than by post?
No. Unfortunately legislation does not currently permit online voting.
When will results be known?
Results will be communicated through a declaration on Council’s website (late on 5 November/morning of 6 November) and a public notice in the Hauraki Herald on Friday 13 November 2015.
Is fluoride used in any water supply on the Coromandel?
Only in the Thames town supply.
How long has fluoride been in the Thames water supply?
Our records indicate that when Thames’ new water treatment plant was first operational in 1971, fluoride was added to the water supply then.