The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (Ohio EPA) Division of Drinking and Ground Waters (DDAGW) recently announced that it is accepting public comments on proposed changes to regulations on the fluoride operating range.

The revisions apply to the Rule 3745-82-03 in the Ohio Administrative Code, which addresses how entities are deemed to be in compliance with the fluoride operating range. The DDAGW has revised the rule partly in response to a five-year review, which the department carried out as required by Section 106.03 of the Revised Code.

The Ohio EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed revisions until Jan. 10, which can be submitted by email or through the mail to the DDAGW’s postal address, P.O. Box 1049, Lazarus Government Center, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. More information on the rule and the department’s revisions can be found on the Ohio EPA’s website.